
Reducing the cloud spend by 30% is a challenge for most enterprises and what if it’s achievable and optimizable? Most enterprises lack clear visibility of their cloud and that’s the primary differentiator making them run out of budgets when it comes to cloud-native deployments.
Know the cloud resources that you consume in a single or multi-cloud environment on a unified platform.
Gain deeper insights into your cloud resource utilization and monitor your expenses seamlessly.
Visualize every aspect on a single dashboard which shows real-time stats about your cloud usage and spend.
Receive predefined recommendations based on your cloud resource usage and take the advantage of significant value savings.
Cost Explorer
Cost Recommendations
Cost Map
Future relies on what we envision today. Envisioning the disciplinary FinOps transformation and implementation across the enterprises, Heeddata capitalizes the value of cloud. In ways to enhance operational efficiency by reducing cloud costs, we make a move towards streamlining FinOps culture within enterprises. Accelerating the value of cloud with Heeddata’s marvelous advantage. Heeddata’s innovative approaches towards reducing organizations’ OPEX are paramount strategic initiatives for exponential growth. For your vision to deliver unparalleled digital solutions, we shadow your cloud spend with Heeddata’s integration.